How has Offshoring helped the Globe?

Every time an election is due in the United States, you hear the Republicans and Democrats taking a stance on offshoring. wanted to pen down my thoughts on this.

When we talk about Competitive Advantage offered by different countries, offshore delivery locat has a clear advantage in both types - cost as well as differentiation. This is enabled by the resources (clearly-people) and the capabilities it offers.

Companies are turning global today and are seeking to enter the right markets to provide the right services.Some companies call this "Right Shoring" and this constitutes of onshore, nearshore and offshore. It is a different story that we have homeshoring, selfhelp and other new jargons getting coined. End of the day, it still boils down to the market (onshore), neighbors to the market (nearshore) and your faraway cousins to the market (offshore).

Companies should consider their type of customers (remember customer is the king), security requirements, financial imperative (cost), channel strategy and value proposition to its customers before choosing the location for service. While this is true in the CRM side of things, they should consider their financial imperatives and value proposition for choosing their location for shared services centers.


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