Memories with School

Here is my opportunity to relive memory - starting with school - that is most that I could remember
As much as I could remember or hear from my Mom - I stood first in my lower kindergarten with eleven others and then started the slide - I remember I was struggling to read Hindi. Till around 2nd std, I would have stood on the right side of the bell curve with the minimum on the right. I used to not miss a single opportunity to get out and play with my neighbours. There used to be kids of all sizes there - there was one playground then which used to fit whatever game we played based on someone's interest - Football, Cricket, Hockey with sticks, Badminton, Seven Stones
Mom started sending me for tuitions to an Aunty (Shibu and Sheeba's Mother - thats how I remember her). I learnt the basics there and had my tuitions for an year or two. Then I started getting to the other side of the bell curve. I loved the Maths period where I would frequently try to display my brilliance. English was another subject that I loved.


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