A layman's version of building a state

Woke up with a strong urge to contribute something back to the society, to add to this the priest's sermon on Mission Sunday - leads me to think of the issues, the nation is facing..If you were to ctrl+alt+del now and help creating a better world - what would you do? This led me to look at state building - what does the present state/nation contribute to the upliftment of the individual who lives here and vice versa. What are the roles/responsibilities of every individual in the nation?All these lead me to think on these issues. While problems are aplenty, I decided to narrow my thoughts to make some meaningful planning.

1) economic : 70-80% of our people live in poverty
2) social : we face problems of anti social elements name them terrorists, naxalites, goondas

As I kept day dreaming on how I would solve these problems, my focus went on how the haves can address the situation but prefer to either remain silent or aggravate the situation.

Imagine splitting states into units of 500/1000 families based on the income level of the families - say 1 super rich family, 10 rich families, 90 middle class families and 400 lower class families. If we then create space and build infrastructure to create upliftment of the society - every unit has a leader who is responsible for physical, social and economic situation of every individual family (to be continued)


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