Steve Jobs -iway to heaven

October 7 - This was today's headlines in TOI.

A master story teller, I love Steve's love for life. His philosophy of living life to the fullest is something I wish I take to my life. Steve's story telling capabilities were almost second to none. His death probably should make us all take a minute and look at the last years of his life - fighting with pancreatic cancer, he was still releasing ipods, iphones and ipads. Whenever health permitted, he was out, trying to transform every activity that we did - APPLE, NEXT, PIXAR and back to APPLE again. APPLE is the world's most valuable brand today after surpassing Google in May 2011. Jobs has

Jobs for sure has led the way for technology brands like Google, Facebook and many others in the Valley to start transforming our daily activities. It is interesting that a recent Forrester report suggests that youngsters in the US today consider being hooked to the internet more important than a car or dating or the other activities that was available in the survey. How will the technology leaders shape the lifes of my and the future generation remains to be seen, but coming back to Jobs' contribution, I dont think anyone can deny his creativity, ability to market his products [iPAD did much better than Samsung Galaxy and other tabs inspite of its limitations more because of the hype Jobs and his team created]

Jobs - will miss your i-items. Wish you a iway to heaven.


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